Barry Wilcox

Barry Wilcox

Position at Tilley Green Sales Executive

Where do you live? Prees Green, Shropshire

Describe your role at Tilley Green Customer-focused sales and service.

Career background? Predominately financial services sector, ranging from large PLCs like Halifax and Scottish Provident to small independent financial advisors, based mainly in the Midlands and the North West.

Contact details
T: 01948 841426
M: 07890 777030
E: [email protected]

What aspect of your job do you find most rewarding? The science of coffee is astonishing.

Your favourite coffee drink? A Bica Portuguese for Espresso.

The best location to be relaxing with the perfect cup of coffee? Hemingways in Carvoeiro, Portugal - after dinner with a port or two.

Best place ever visited? India - Mumbai.

What did you want to be when you grew up? Professional sportsman - footballer or golfer.

Person who has inspired you the most and why? My father - continued to enjoy life through a long illness.

Tell us something surprising about you Once represented England in the Ford Home Internationals Golf Tournament staged at the Belfry Golf Course.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given? Treat people as you expect to be treated yourself.

If you could choose any three dinner guests, who would they be? Cameron Diaz, Julius Caesar, Henry VIII.

You are allowed to take one item to your desert island, what would it be? Fishing rod - not exciting! No change of mind - a spear gun to fish with and shoot wild boar!

If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would spend your money on? World cruise for my mother and whoever she wanted to take with her.

Your greatest achievement? Golf - qualifying to represent England at the Belfry.

What are your hobbies/interests? Golf, tennis, travel, watching football at Goodison Park.

Dream car? Aston Martin DB4.

Favourite football team (if you have one)? Everton.

Favourite place in Shropshire and why: Hawkstone Park Golf Club - Hawkstone Course. No better place to be on a summer's evening.