Barry Wilcox


Diane Nelson

Position at Tilley Green Office Manager

Where do you live? Whitchurch

Describe your role at Tilley Green Overseeing the smooth-running of the Tilley Green office with specific responsibility for accounting including invoicing, banking, credit control and purchase ledger.

Career background? Worked at Grocontinental for the past 35 years.  I have pretty much worked in every department but not yet driven a lorry!  Now really enjoying supporting the team at Tilley Green.

Contact details
T: 01948 841426
M: 07890 777031
E: [email protected]

What aspect of your job do you find most rewarding? Talking to customers and seeing a customer happy! Also working alongside lots of different people.

Your favourite coffee drink? Latte but it has to be made with Tiley Green Coffee.

The best location to be relaxing with the perfect cup of coffee? My garden in the summer months.

Best place ever visited? Madeira.

What did you want to be when you grew up? A Mother.

Person who has inspired you the most and why? My Mum - she is caring, funny, helpful and always happy.

Tell us something surprising about you Got married at 19 - had my first and only baby at 42

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given? Make the most of life.

If you could choose any three dinner guests, who would they be? Will Young, Olly Murs & Keith Lemon.

You are allowed to take one item to your desert island, what would it be? Duvet - hate being cold

If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would spend your money on? A car.

Your greatest achievement? Having my little boy.

What are your hobbies/interests? Walking, eating out with friends, cooking, music and holidays.

Dream car? Don't really have one but it would have to have heated seats.

Favourite football team (if you have one)? I don't watch football.

Favourite place in Shropshire and why: My Home - I love it! 




[email protected]