Adrian Dratwinski

Adrian Dratwinski

Position at Tilley Green Regional Sales Manager & Barista Trainer

Where do you live? Whitchurch, Shropshire

Describe your role at Tilley Green Developing our client base and looking after our customers on a day-to-day basis to ensure great and consistent service.  I also manage our Barista training programme.

Career background? Worked as Regional Sales Manager for a large vending company for 10 years before going on to concentrate on the coffee market. I’ve been involved in the coffee industry for nearly 15 years.

Contact details
T: 01948 841426
M: 07890 777032
E: [email protected]

What aspect of your job do you find most rewarding? Being with my customers and delivering not only great coffee but also great service. I love it when you know a customer really appreciates what you have done for them.

Your favourite coffee drink? Flat white

The best location to be relaxing with the perfect cup of coffee? Café next to a beach.

Best place ever visited? Anfield.

What did you want to be when you grew up? Footballer.

Person who has inspired you the most and why? My Grandfather. He had to work hard for everything he had. He fought and survived a world war and he was so humble.

Tell us something surprising about you I don’t see my job as work.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given? Treat people as you would like those to treat you.

If you could choose any three dinner guests, who would they be? Keith Moon, Bill Shankley, John Lennon.

You are allowed to take one item to your desert island, what would it be? Ipad.

Your greatest achievement? My three children.

What are your hobbies/interests? Cooking, kickboxing and football.

Dream car? SLR Mercedes.

Favourite football team (if you have one)? Liverpool FC.

Favourite place in Shropshire and why: Hawkstone Follies. You are on top-of-the-world with views across our beautiful county.